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About Us


Thor Financial & Insurance Services grows and safeguards clients’ assets through sound financial planning and confidential privacy while retaining clients’ control. Our plans help protect family rights and focus on growing and transferring wealth. We are highly specialized in many financial solutions with access to a global network of professionals that understand clients’ most complicated and pressing situations.


For the past 60 years, Thor Financial & Insurance Services has revolutionized financial and insurance planning for global clients. Our vast knowledge and expansive network allow us to offer solutions to even the most complex financial problems. Thor Financial & Insurance Services is headquartered in New York with branch offices in Long Island, New Haven, Boston, Chicago, Portland, Dallas, Houston, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, and Washington DC.



Quality Products


100% of our time and effort is devoted to bringing you the best quality, most competitive term life, universal life, whole life, disability income, long-term care insurance, individual and group health insurance, annuities, and equity-based products from the leading, most competitive insurance companies we can find.


It’s not easy getting those large cases issued, especially at advanced ages, but that’s what we do best. That’s why a great many sophisticated agents come to us – for results! While we do not walk on water, we don’t rest until an offer is obtained so that you have an opportunity to earn that all-important commission.



Broker Support


We realize that even having the most competitive policy and the best underwriting is not enough. We must also provide you with top quality service that will make you want to do business with us.


Our promise to you is that we will do everything that we possibly can so that you will prefer to do business with us because you are getting better, more competitive products, better underwriting, better service, and better compensation.


We want you to prefer to do business with us because we sincerely believe:


If we can’t earn your business,
we don’t deserve your business.



Our Goal


Our primary objective is helping insurance agents and financial service professionals increase their sales by offering the widest possible selection of companies, products and support services.


Insurance agents and financial service professionals choose to do business with us because we offer professional assistance with innovative and creative ideas together with highly competitive products.




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